Emergency Provision
Friday 26th June
Essential Worker provisions
We have been delighted to have supported our key workers by being open every day but one since the lockdown, including Easter and May bank holidays. As the lockdown measures have eased, the demand has increased and we have now reached capacity in our key worker provision classes at Blackheath. With every staff member, who is able to be at school, already allocated to a bubble we are unable to open another bubble at the moment.
Due to this high demand, please remember we are politely requesting that parents or carers who are able to have their children safely looked after at home do so. This could mean that an essential worker who doesn’t have care for their children can be helped.
We have opened a waiting list at Blackheath should someone not need the provision anymore. Please contact m.crescenzo@
Friday 22nd May
Dear parents and carers of children at Invicta Blackheath,
As you probably know, until now our provision for vulnerable children and children of Critical Workers has been located at Invicta Deptford.
With the proposed wider opening of schools and other essential services we anticipate there might be growing need for childcare for children of critical workers, so we are planning to reopen the provision at Blackheath from 8th June. Please note that this will run during school hours and at this stage there is not a before or after school provision. If you need provision before 8th of June at the Deptford site, please email directly emergencyprovision@invictaprimary.co.uk
Government guidance about who is eligible for this provision has not changed and can be found here:
Critical workers who can access schools or educational settings
As before, evidence of your critical worker status will need to be seen by the school; usually in the form of a standard letter provided by your employer. Please email electronic evidence to: emergencyprovision@invictaprimary.co.uk
Thank you in advance for your understanding as to why this is needed.
You are invited to complete the survey below so we can get an indication of how many children will need to attend. Your response is appreciated and vital to our planning.
Please note- this is ONLY with regards to the daily provision for children of critical workers and vulnerable children, and not about the wider opening of schools that the government have proposed from after half term and which I wrote to you about earlier this week via the website. The letter about wider opening for certain year groups can be found here.
Please click here to complete the survey
For those of you who express a need we will share more information, including the opportunity to book, shortly after half term.
Critical workers of children at Invicta Deptford, if your situation has changed please email directly via this address:
Best wishes,
Vicki Cuff
Friday 20th March
Please read carefully and complete the survey below if necessary as a matter of urgency
Thank you to all who completed yesterday's survey, it has really helped us in planning our emergency provision, and thank you for bearing with us during its organisation.
You may be aware there is now new guidance for educational settings including emergency provision.
The government is clear that this provision is for key workers and parents/carers of vulnerable children who cannot keep their child(ren) safe at home themselves and the first key principle in this guidance is if it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
The guidance also gives some more clarity about who is classed as a key worker in this crisis.
The list can be found here:
The guidance is less clear about whether one or both (where there are 2) parents need to be a key worker. Our priority is to provide a service to every key worker who needs it to enable them to go to work, but I would urge all parents and carers to make a decision about accessing our provision based on the main principle above so the risk of the virus spreading is reduced and the school can work to provide a provision for those who need it to help during this unprecedented crisis.
The provision in school will run daily for the next week from 9am - 3:30pm, at each Invicta site, and will follow the same provision that children are able to access each day on Google Classroom in the mornings, with a varied timetable in the afternoon, based on staff availability and to include outdoor learning and activities that are not linked to the usual school curriculum. Of course this provision may be subject to change during such an uncertain time.
Further information about the provision will be shared with those accessing it later today
If you need to access our provision, INCLUDING IF YOU COMPLETED THE SURVEY YESTERDAY, please complete today’s form as a matter of urgency.
Please complete the survey NOW