Invicta Primary School is committed to Inclusion and we aim to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children in our community, based on the principles of quality first teaching. We believe that all children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum that helps them to develop both socially and academically. We strive to enable all children to reach their full potential, including those with a gift or talent, or a special educational need.
Special Educational Needs may be identified before entry, or once the pupil is attending school and may be highlighted by a parent, or a member of staff who works with the child. If a member of staff identifies a need, this will be discussed with parents, in confidence, at the earliest opportunity. If parents are concerned about potential special educational needs, they should speak to their class teachers in the first instance.
Children who are identified as having special educational needs are supported in school through the development of appropriate in class support and/or interventions (please see the School’s Local offer below). If children are taking part in interventions, they will have specific identified targets for these interventions which are monitored on a provision map that is updated by the adult leading the intervention. Some children may have a number of different targets and interventions, in which case the school will develop a personalised learning plan (PLP) to monitor these, this will then be reviewed regularly with both staff and parents.
The school works in partnership with parents in order to support pupil development and address needs, with the aim to enable all pupils to achieve their potential. In some cases, with parents’ consent, the school involves outside agencies to provide additional support. Outside agencies can offer key specialist advice and support for a range of special educational needs and disabilities, a full list of which can be found in the school’s local offer below.
See our Local Offer for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and SEN information report, or our SEND Policy for more information on inclusion at Invicta Primary School. Please also refer to the Greenwich Local Offer. for more information on how the borough can support children and families with SEND.
For regular updates on inclusion at Invicta Primary School, please refer to the ‘Inclusion Update’ section of school newsletters. We also run a monthly SEND Parent Support Group for families of children with diagnosed or undiagnosed SEND. Families from all local schools and nurseries are welcome to attend. These sessions are held at our Deptford site at 9.15am on the first Monday of every month.
Inclusion Team
If you would like to discuss anything regarding inclusion, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Otherwise, please feel free to contact the appropriate person as listed below.
SENDCO of Invicta Deptford and Blackheath
- Donna Cameron:
- SENCO Assistant of Deptford
Donna Keane : - SENCO Assistant of Blackheath
Erin Mulligan :
Child and Family Support Worker
- Alison Webber: a.webber@
Learning Mentors of Invicta Blackheath
- Helen Kelly: h.kelly@invictaprimary. - Dan O’Callaghan: d.ocallaghan@
Learning Mentor of Invicta Deptford
- Angela Cudmore: a.cudmore@ - Levi Low:
Learning Mentoring
Over the year our learning mentors work with different children to support a range of different needs. The might work with our children on:
- Listening to their views
- Helping to remove any barriers to learning
- Help them manage pressures in their lives
- Encouraging children to achieve
- Raising self-confidence
- Encourage them to be more self-sufficient
- Develop hidden talents
- Produce a plan of action to work towards agreed goals
- Review and change the plan regularly
- Support them to organise their time
- Help them understand the work they have to do
These barriers can involve things such as:
- Attendance and issues at home
- Bereavement/Loss
- Friendship difficulties
- Bullying
- Low self-esteem
- Anger issues
- Worries about transitions e.g. - primary to secondary school
- Anxieties of any kind
Parent information session Click Here
Dyslexia Friendly School
Invicta Primary School was awarded this important status in 2012 and it was then re-verified in December 2019. At Invicta we acknowledge the importance of inclusive practice for all, and value the varying learning styles of all the children and adults in our school community. After our re-verification in 2019 the assessor stated that ‘The school is a vibrant, inclusive learning environment where staff, governors, pupils and parents work as a whole school community to shape a school where learning is exciting for all.’
Please contact Miss Cameron or visit one of the websites below if you would like more information about this subject.
Dyslexia Association of Bexley Bromley Greenwich & Lewisham |
The British Dyslexia Association |
Wellbeing Award for Schools
At Invicta Primary School we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our whole school community. As a school we have achieved the Wellbeing Award For Schools, which identifies as a school who places emotional wellbeing at the heart of everything that we do. Please visit the Wellbeing section of our website to find out more.
School Nurse
As a local authority primary school, we have access to support from the local school nursing team. Our school SENDCO's works with the team to ensure care plans are up to date and any medical needs of children in the school are fully supported. Please let the school SENDCO's know if you would like support from the school nursing team or alternatively you can contact them yourself using the details below.
Community Staff Nurse (School Nursing)
Highpoint House
Shooter's Hill
SE18 3RZ
Tele: 0208 836 8621