Punctuality and Attendance - Every School Day Counts
Invicta works hard at engaging pupils through collaborative partnership between the parent, the school and the local authority. Our aim is to make your child’s school life a happy and enjoyable experience. To support your child’s education parents and carers have an important role to play in ensuring this happens therefore it is important that you ensure your child attends school regularly and on time. Good school attendance increases your child’s potential to achieve a good education and achieve well.
Did you know that when children take their SATs at the end of Year 6, their achievement is linked to their school attendance? Just a small drop, makes a BIG difference. Every day counts!
71% of pupils achieve expected or better when attendance was at 99%
Just 50% of pupils achieve expected or better when attendance was at 90%
Only 42% of pupils achieve expected or better when attendance was at 85%
You can track your child's % attendance on the MCAS app. The office can help you with this if needed.
Reporting Absences
It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school of the reason for any absence by email or telephone on the first day of absence. Absences can be reported on
Authorised Absences
Under the Education Act 1993 only the School and not the parents can authorise absence. A pupil is considered to have an authorised absence when he/she is unable to attend either because:
• he/she is ill; or
• of some unavoidable cause; or
• of a religious observance; or
• he/she is receiving treatment at a medical, dental or similar appointment; or
• of a bereavement; or
• of some exceptional circumstance negotiated with the Head of school or Executive Head
Unauthorised Absences
Unauthorised absences are absences, which do not fit the description of authorised absence given in the last section whether or not it is explained and all absences, which are not explained. They would include;
• shopping trips
• looking after the house
• looking after brothers and/or sisters
• an aggregate of holidays in term time
• extended trips;
• Photographic modelling sessions
School starts at 8.55am. If your child is late parents and carers must record the late mark with a member of staff from the school office, providing a valid reason for the lateness. This will ensure that your child is registered in school.
At 9.30am the registers will be closed. In accordance with the Regulations, if your child arrives after that time they will receive a mark that shows them to be on site, but this will not count as a present mark and it will mean they have an unauthorised absence. This may mean that you could face the possibility of a Penalty Notice if the problem persists. A child is considered late if he/she is not present at the time the registers are closed.
Monitoring procedure
The Pupil Data and Attendance Officer meets with The Royal Borough of Greenwich, Attendance Advisory Officer every 2 to 3 weeks to discuss absences; unexplained absences and patterns of absences. A child whose absence is a concern faces being placed on our Fast Track to improve attendance scheme. The aim of the Fast Track process is to work positively and effectively with parents, in a time limited way, to raise levels of attendance.
We are often asked about the significance of “percentage attendance” so here are a few facts:
*For Pupils a day off school is 5 hours and 25 minutes missed learning
So, in just one school year……
95% attendance = 2 weeks missed
90% attendance = 4 weeks missed
85% attendance = 6 weeks missed
80% attendance = 7.5 weeks missed
The picture becomes much worse over five school years….
95% attendance = 9.5 weeks missed
90% attendance = 19 weeks missed (this is half a school year missed!)
85% attendance = 28 weeks missed
80% attendance = 38 weeks missed (this is a whole school year missed!)
As well as being absent a lot from school effecting your child’s development being late also has a big effect. Lateness = Lost Learning
5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost
10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost
15 minutes late each day = 10 days lost
20 minutes late each day = 13 days lost
30 minutes late each day = 19 days lost
Punctuality is as important as attendance. To avoid being late make sure you leave enough time to arrive at school on time. If your child is absent regularly, without a valid reason, you could receive a Fixed Penalty Notice (£100 fine) or be taken to court and fined up to £2,500.
Attendance Policy
Please find here our attendance policy.
Is my child too ill for school?
We are often asked if a child should attend school when they are feeling ill. The NHS advises that generally, children are well enough to attend school when they have a minor cough or cold, but should stay at home if they have a fever. Further NHS advice on when to keep a child home from school due to illness can be found here: