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Invicta Primary School



School Meals


Our delicious and nutritious meals are provided by Chartwells who are the leading school food provider in the UK serving over 2000 schools. 


Universal Free School Meals (Reception, Y1 &Y2)

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to a free school meal and all families are encouraged and expected to take advantage of this. An extremely wide range of dietary needs can be catered for.

Please speak to the school office for further information or if you need to opt out of the free school meal provision.


How can my child transition from school lunch to packed lunch?

If your child would like to change from packed lunch to school meals, or vice-versa, please email . Notification of a change of meal arrangement must be received two weeks in advance, in writing to the office.  



Am I entitled to free school meals?

Parents or carers who are in receipt of certain benefits may be entitled to Free School Meals.  These include:

  • Income support
  • Income based jobseekers allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit (NOT Working Tax Credit)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee and be in receipt of child Tax Credit above the basic family element
  • Application form available in the school office
  • Children who have a packed lunch but who are entitled to free school meals must  notify the office if changing to a packed lunch, because the school will still be charged for a dinner

If your child is enrolled with us and you'd like to  fill out an application form, please do this online here , or alternatively you can apply on a paper pupil benefits registration form.  Please print (or ask us to print one for you) and hand in the completed form to the school office (or send directly to the address at the bottom of the application). Applications for free school meals will be treated with the strictest confidence.


September 2023 onwards

From the new Autumn term, commencing September 2023, all
children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 living in Greater London will be offered
Free School Meals.



In response to the rising cost of living, the Mayor of London has made a commitment that every primary school child is entitled to a Free School Meal. This important step extends the existing Free School Meal provision – currently available to children in reception, and years 1 and 2 – to all primary
school children in Greater London.


Chartwells Medical  Procedures 

Chartwells work in partnership with all schools to ensure a smooth medical diet procedure is in place. Chartwells are committed to feeding pupils safely and complete regular training refreshers to keep their knowledge up to date. See attached letter from Chartwells HERE with more information as well as a link to their policy and a diet request form. 

Please find Chartwells medical diet request form HERE

Please find Chartwells medical diet policy HERE

Please see the current menu 



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